Welcome to the Oklahoma Orchid Society

OOS President’s Welcome

Welcome to the Oklahoma Orchid Society website! We hope you find it engaging and informative.

You will find many resources on our website; however, there is nothing like one-on-one, personal assistance with your orchid-growing questions. OOS members love to share their knowledge and orchid-growing skills with orchid enthusiasts of all ages. Check out some of our monthly meeting “Show Table” Photo/Video blogs or Meeting Presentation Videos. Many of us, including myself, “got bit by the orchid bug” when we were kids, and we’ve not recovered! Whether you are just contemplating growing orchids, have just received your first orchid and are wanting to learn how to care for it, have been growing orchids for a while, or are an expert grower, we welcome you to be our guest at one of our monthly meetings, where you will discover educational presentations and activities that will interest you.

Come to a meeting or event, and let us nurture your orchid-growing passion!

Attend OOS Monthly Meeting

For specific information about a given month’s meeting or event, click on the item in the “Upcoming Meetings & Events” widget at the right or bottom of this page. Visitors are always welcome to attend a regular monthly meeting of the Oklahoma Orchid Society!

Oklahoma Orchid Society holds its regular monthly meetings at the Will Rogers Gardens Exhibition Center, 3400 NW 36th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, at 1:00–3:30pm on the third Sunday of each month, except for November, December, and, typically, the month of the Society’s annual Show & Sale. November’s greenhouse tour and meeting and December’s holiday event are members-only events. Members should log-in to see these events’ details in the “Upcoming Meetings & Events” calendar.