Oklahoma Orchid Society, Inc., was founded on February 10, 1950, in Oklahoma City, OK, to educate and foster the appreciation of orchids and their culture. In fulfillment of its mission, the Society shall: bring together persons interested in learning about orchids; promote interest in orchid culture; encourage all orchid activities of interest to the enthusiast, including the holding of orchid shows and sales; procure and disseminate among its members information as to the methods of orchid culture, conservation, hybridization, and propagation; and exchange orchid pollen, seeds, plants, materials, and information as to sources of supplies used in orchid culture.
Oklahoma Orchid Society is registered as a not-for-profit corporation in the state of Oklahoma (EIN: 16-1744105), is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3), and is further classified as a public charity under IRC Section 509(a)(2). Donors can deduct contributions they make to the Society under IRC Section 170. The Society is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522. Copies of IRS forms 1023-EZ, 990-N, and Letter 947 are available for public inspection upon request.
The Society is governed by a Board of Trustees, consisting of the officers of the Society —President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer — , the Immediate Past President, and two elected trustees.
Oklahoma Orchid Society is an affiliate of the American Orchid Society; the Southwest Regional Orchid Growers Association; the Orchid Digest; the Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs, the Oklahoma Garden Clubs, Inc.; The Nature Conservancy; and the Oklahoma Native Plant Society.
Oklahoma Orchid Society meets monthly on the third Sunday of each month, except November, December, and the month of its annual Show & Sale.
For specific information about a given month’s meeting or event, click on the item in the “Upcoming Meetings & Events” widget at the right or bottom of this page. Visitors are always welcome to attend a regular monthly meeting of the Oklahoma Orchid Society!
Banner Image Fun Fact
Ons. Catatante
× Oncostele (on-ko-STEE-lee), abbreviated Ons., is the nothogenus, defined in 2003 by J. M. H. Shaw, for intergeneric hybrids between species from the genera Oncidium (on-SlD-ee-um) and Rhynchostele (rink-oh-STEE-lee).
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