1. Call to order by Vice President John Spencer  at 1:05 pm.
  2. Scholarship Committee Chair, Jana Butcher, present the inaugural Oklahoma Orchid Society Horticultural Scholarship award to Michael Cook, a highly accomplished Ph.D. candidate attending Texas A&M University. The Oklahoma Orchid Society Horticultural Scholarship awards $2000.00 to a deserving student in memory of  both Jackie Parker, member of OOS and RROS, and Catherine Porter, RROS member.
  3. Introduction of guests and new members since last meeting.  Number present: 29 current members attended, 27 in-person and two joining via Zoom. Two guests, including our first scholarship recipient, also attended. Welcome to our new members and guests!
  4. Approval of meeting minutes: No minutes approved this month. Approval of minutes was postponed until the September meeting due to late posting.
  5. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Carol Ash reported $36,232.13 total monies for the end of month July 2024. Visuals were presented of the finances. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report made by Doug Needham and seconded by Marinel Kelley.  The report was unanimously approved. 
  6. Committee Chair Reports:
    • Membership – Jessica Neilson, Chair: There was not a membership report this month.
    • Programming – John Spencer , Chair: No programming report for this month.
    • OOS Show & Sale – Jana Butcher, Bridget Andoe and Marinel Kelley ,co-Chairs:
      • Jana Butcher reported plans are underway already for next year’s OOS Show and Sale set for May 3-4, 2025. This is the 75th, or silver, anniversary for the OOS and this will be the theme of next year’s show.  The postcard competition for the 2025 show is open, instructions are posted online, and all submissions will be featured and the winner chosen during the September meeting. 
      • An invitation to join the Show and Sale Planning Committee was extended to all by the co-chairs to help prepare for the anniversary show.
    • Investment – Jana Butcher, Chair: No report given this month.
    • Conservation– Mike Friday, Chair: No report this month.
    • Website – Doug Needham, Chair: No report given this month.
  7. Affiliate Reports:
    • Great Plains Judging Center – Catherine Chance and Jana Butcher:
      • Catherine Chance stated the judges were busy this month judging 18 orchids with 8 receiving awards. Two of the plants were awarded a CBR (certificate of botanical recognition), given to plants having no previous awards.
    • AOS Representative – Gerry Holland: No report.
    • SWROGA – Jana Butcher, Bill Parker and Catherine Chance:  No report.
    • Orchid Digest Representative – Bill Parker:  Bill Parker presented the two latest issues of the Orchid Digest Journal for members to peruse. 
    • Conservation – Mike Friday:  No report.
    • OKC Council of Gardens Clubs – Jana Butcher: No report.
  8. Old Business:
    • No old business discussed this month.
  9. New Business:
    • Carol Ash asked if  there could be a pool of members formed who can sell raffle tickets on a rotating basis during the monthly meetings. Catherine Chance volunteered to be in the pool at this month’s meeting. More volunteers are needed if you would like to sell a raffle ticket or two.
    • There is an opportunity for three members to serve on a much-needed nominations committee. If you are interested, please let John Spencer or Mike Friday know.  Bill Parker indicated an interest to help at the meeting.
  10. Announcements by members:
    • Jana Butcher proposes the nominating committee consider a position similar to one in SWROGA’s trustee lineup. The position is associate treasurer who will train alongside the treasurer and create redundancy at this position. By doing so, it ensures a treasurer or acting treasurer (the associate treasurer) is available to access needed funds and complete timely transactions as well as ensure a smooth transition to a new treasurer upon elections.
    • T-shirts – Jana Butcher received t-shirts donated by Becca Merrifield, a member of the Maui Orchid Society. She gave two handmade t-shirts to be used for a silent auction item during the next show. Thank you, Becca Merrifield, for your generous gift!
    • Girl Scouts – Bridget Andoe, Marinel Kelley, and Jana Butcher are mentors for a STEAM project for the Girl Scouts centering around the cultivation and care of orchids. Jana Butcher and Bridget Andoe attended the Scout Steamfest and kicked off the inaugural meeting this month.
    • Bark order – Unfortunately we lost our Tulsa Orchid member who coordinates the bark order. There is another Tulsa member willing to take over ordering but for now standby for further announcements from Jana Butcher.
  11. Adjourn Business Meeting at 1:45 pm.
  12. Refreshment Break – Thank you, Hospitality Hosts!
  13. Program/Presentation – John Spencer introduced this month’s speaker, Raymond Cloyd Ph.D., a professor and extension specialist in horticultural entomology and plant protection in the Department of Entomology at Kansas State University, discussing “The War on Terror: Pest control for Orchids in the Home”.  Thank you, Professor Cloyd, for an informative Zoom presentation.
  14. Show and Tell Table – Many beautiful blooming orchids were brought to today’s meeting. Thank you to those who showed their plants and described their culture.
  15. Auction and Raffle – Catherine Chance raffled of plants brought by OOS members. Thank you to all who donated plants for today’s  raffle!
  16. Meeting Adjourned – John Spencer adjourned the meeting at 2:42 pm.