
The minutes of the July meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report

The Society fund balance is $26,389.99, the complete Treasurer’s Report is available on the website. Motion made, seconded and passed to approve the Treasurer’s Report.


The Shreveport Orchid Society Fall Orchid Show is October 25th to 27th in Shreveport, LA

Great Plains Judging Center

Howard reported there were four plants presented for judging yesterday, August 18th. There were nine judges present and one student. Two plants were award. Pictures will be available on the website.


No report

Orchid Digest

No report

Garden Club

No report

Old Business

The President asked for a show of hands of those interested in continuing the discussion to move the June meeting away from Father’s Day. The show of hands indicated the Society will not have further discussion on moving the June meeting.

New Business

AOS sent an email offering liability insurance coverage for Society shows and meetings. The cost is $250. Carolyn offered to send the email to our members for review. This will be discussed at our next meeting.


The annual Open House at McCabe’s is August 26th. Members were asked to bring a non –stress orchid to the open house to help Mike and Billie replace the orchids they lost in the fire.

2013 Spring Show

As soon as we have the AOS approval of our Spring Show dates we can start our planning. The first agenda item is to have the poster contest for the flyer. We will vote on the poster in November.


Karlene Sanborn presented the program “Warm Tolerant – Masdevallias and Draculas. Mark and Karlene brought orchids to sell from their green house in Kansas.

All Content provided by Lowell McCabe