*There was no Green Growers today. After a delay due to technical difficulties it was decided to go ahead with business meeting and then straight to guest speaker Jack Heflin.

Our guest Jack and Elenia Heflin from Tulsa were introduced. They’re members of both the Tulsa and Ozark Orchid Societies. Jack’s talk was titled “Adapting Your Environment to Match Your Orchid’s Natural Habitat” and discussed varying natural environments around the world and how this affects growing orchids in challenging places in homes and/or greenhouses.

Allen Koch directed the meeting this month in Jana Butcher’s absence.

There were 17 members and 2 guests present.

  • Allen called the meeting to order.
  • The minutes from July meeting were presented. Motion was made and seconded to accept the secretary’s report and it was carried by acclamation.
  • The treasurer’s report was read and a club balance of $27,644.50 was presented for July 31, 2017. Motion was made to accept, and the motion was seconded and carried by acclamation.


  • The contract has been sign with the city for 3 years, retroactive to July 1, 2017.
  • The contract year will run from July to June annually.
  • Volunteer hours already performed will be counted back to July 1.
  • The schedule for meetings and show dates has been set for 3 years.
  • Fees for the large room that we have been using, have been paid trough August, 2018.
  • Due to an increase in the cost of renting the room we currently use, in September 2018 OOS will move across the hall to a smaller room and meetings will then be held there.
  • The large room will continue to be used for annual shows.
  • Johnita showed the shirts that are for sale with embroidered OOS logo, at cost of $23.00 each, paid in advance.
  • Show theme for 2018 suggestions are still being asked for, and Jana asked that suggestions be sent to her by the September meeting for consideration.


  • Gabriel asked that if anyone changes their e-mail address to please notify him so he can keep everyone abreast of news, notices,etc.


  • Forth Worth SWROGA show will be November 4 and 5 at the Forth Worth Botanical Gardens. The Kansas City will be the same dates. SWROGA registration forms for the Forth Worth show are available on their website along with the list of hotels and motels in the area.
  • Howard Brown gave the judging and AOS report.
  • There was no OKC Garden Council report.
  • There was no Orchid Digest report.
  • There was no conservation report.
  • Reminder was given for everyone who is able to sign up to volunteer at the 2018 Mother’s Day Show.

The meeting was adjourned.

August minutes provided by Carol Ash.