Mission The Society achieved its mission “to educate and foster the appreciation of orchids and their culture” through its meetings, events, volunteerism, and donations. Thanks
January “Show Table” Photo Blog
Thank you, Bridget, for taking this month’s photos! Jessica showed her beautiful-flowered, unnamed Phalaenopsis. Brian showed five beautiful orchids. Keith showed two beautiful Cattleya hybrids.
Crystal Bridge Tour
Thirty-one OOS members attended the Society’s annual November greenhouse tour, this year to the just re-opened, newly re-imagined Inasmuch Foundation Crystal Bridge Conservatory at Myriad
OOS Exhibit Wins Awards at FWOS Show
Thank you to our wonderful OOS Exhibit Team — Catherine Chance, Bill Parker, Janice Wiechman, and Doug Needham — and to the OOS members who
October “Show Table” Photo Blog
Thank you, Bridget, for taking this month’s photos! Brian brought two beautiful orchids. Bill brought five beautiful orchids. Catherine brought an amazing miniature orchid. Gerry
September “Show Table” Photo Blog
Thanks to Bridget for taking this month’s photos.
Longwood Gardens Blog: Orchids as Emblems of National Pride
by Kristina Aguilar, Plant Collections Information Manager, Longwood Gardens Many Spanish-speaking countries including Mexico, and those in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean have
Read MoreLongwood Gardens Blog: Orchids as Emblems of National Pride
OOS Exhibit Wins Awards at TOS Show
Thank you to our wonderful OOS Exhibit Team — Jana Butcher, Catherine Chance, and Gerry Holland — and to the OOS members who contributed their
OOS Exhibit Wins Awards at KOS Show
Thank you to our wonderful OOS Exhibit Team — Jana Butcher, Catherine Chance, Bill Parker, and Janice Wiechman — and to the OOS members who
When to Start Watering Catasetinae
The following article is reposted with permission from Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids. Interpretive photos by Douglas Needham. It’s officially spring, and your Catasetinae