OOS 11-15-2020 Meeting Minutes – approved 01-17-2021 ZOOM Meeting called to order by President Jana Butcher at 2:00 PM. 14 members present. 0 Guests. October
GPJC November 2020 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 23 entries on November 21, 2020, and awarded seven AOS Awards. Spathoglottis affinis ‘Bryon’ HCC/AOS Habenaria rhodocheila ‘Byon Kelly
GPJC September 2020 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 12 entries on September 19, 2020, and awarded four AOS Awards. Gomesa colorata ‘JoJo’s Firecracker’ HCC/AOS Phalaenopsis Walnut Valley
GPJC August 2020 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 15 entries on August 15, 2020, and awarded three AOS Awards. Maxthompsonara Bryon Rinke ‘Walnut Valley’ AM/AOS Rhyncattleanthe Love
June 10, 2018 Minutes
The green growers meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm. Keith Warren introduced Jana Butcher and Gerry Holland with their program.Repotting Orchids.High light points
February 18, 2018 Minutes
GREEN GROWERS: AOS Webinar of a Q&A session on various orchid issues with questions submitted by viewers. Johnita Turner called the regular meeting to order.
January 21, 2018 Minutes
GREEN GROWERS: PBS video “Plants Behaving Badly” reflecting on the unusual ways in which orchids and other plants trick insect, moths, bats, etc into acting
November 18, 2017 Minutes
This month’s meeting was held in Chickasha, at the Presbyterian Church where Burrel Gambel is a member. Before the meeting we were treated to a
October 15, 2017 Minutes
Sarah Pratt of Timbucktoo Orchids was guest speaker for Green Growers. She presented “Five Things I Hate about Orchids” which was informative as well as
September 17, 2017 Minutes
Green Growers: Keith Warren introduced Dr Dotty Woodson of D and B Orchids in Forth Worth as our presenter. She has B.S. and M.S. degrees