The Great Plains Judging Center judged eight orchid plants on October 2, 2021, at the Oklahoma Orchid Society/SWROGA Show & Sale “Bewitched by Orchids.” Three
GPJC August 2021 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 16 plants on August 21, 2021, and 7 received AOS awards. Photography by Bryon K. Rinke Anguloa eburnea ‘Lisse’
GPJC July 2021 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 21 plants on July 17, 2021, and 9 received AOS awards. Photography by Bryon K. Rinke Anguloa clowesii ‘Amsterdam’
GPJC June 2021 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 20 plants on June 19, 2021, and 3 received AOS awards. Photography by Bryon K. Rinke Trichocentrum pumilum ‘Bryon’
GPJC May 2021 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 14 plants on May 22, 2021, and 6 received AOS awards. Photography by Bryon K. Rinke Pescatoria cerina ‘Max
GPJC April 2021 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 21 plants on April 17, 2021, and 6 received AOS awards. Photography by Bryon K. Rinke Phalaenopsis mannii ‘Max
GPJC March 2021 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 22 plants on March 20, 2021, and 11 received AOS awards. Photography by Bryon K. Rinke Pleurothallis (Acronia) bivalvis
February 2021 Orchids from Max Thompson and Bryon Rinke
Because of the severe winter weather, February’s judging at the Great Plains Judging Center was canceled, but Max and Bryon shared photos of plants that
Read MoreFebruary 2021 Orchids from Max Thompson and Bryon Rinke
GPJC November 2020 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 23 entries on November 21, 2020, and awarded seven AOS Awards. Spathoglottis affinis ‘Bryon’ HCC/AOS Habenaria rhodocheila ‘Byon Kelly
GPJC September 2020 AOS Awards
The Great Plains Judging Center judged 12 entries on September 19, 2020, and awarded four AOS Awards. Gomesa colorata ‘JoJo’s Firecracker’ HCC/AOS Phalaenopsis Walnut Valley