OOS March Meeting via Zoom: “Slippery Tales – Adventures of Hunting Slipper Orchids in the Wild” by Mary E. Gerritsen, Ph.D.
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OOS March Meeting via Zoom: “Slippery Tales – Adventures of Hunting Slipper Orchids in the Wild” by Mary E. Gerritsen, Ph.D.
March 21, 2021 @ 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Mary E. Gerritsen, Ph.D. will be joining us on our March 21 Zoom meeting to tell us about her adventures of hunting slipper orchids in the wild.
Dr. Gerritsen currently works as an independent biotechnology consultant, her “retirement” after a long career in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry. However, much of her free time now involves orchids in some fashion or another.
She has a large collection of miniature orchids, as well as numerous pleurothallids, paphiopedilum, bulbophyllum, and dendrobium species which she grows in outside, in a cool greenhouse or in an intermediate greenhouse. In addition to growing orchids, Dr. Gerristen enjoys seeing and photographing them in their native habitats, which has led to expeditions to Australia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Borneo, Sulawesi, China, Europe and various Mediterranean islands, Madagascar, South Africa, Mexico and other parts of Central America, many countries in South America, as well as various parts of the USA and Canada. In addition to her interest in orchids and their habitats, she has written, with co-author and photographer, Ron Parsons, a number of books on orchids including Masdevallias: Gems of the Orchid World; A Compendium of Miniature Orchid Species; A Bay Area Guide to Orchids and Their Culture; and The American Orchid Society Guide to Orchids and their Culture. Dr/ Gerritsen and Mr. Parsons also coauthored a book on a genus of North American Wildflowers: Calochortus; Mariposa Lilies and their Relatives. She is a director and chief financial officer of the Orchid Conservation Alliance, serves on the board of directors of Orchid Digest, and is a past president of the San Francisco and the Peninsula Orchid Societies.
Jana Butcher is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Link below:
Agenda: 2 pm Business Meeting
3 pm “Slippery Tales – Adventures of Hunting Slipper Orchids In the Wild” presented by Mary Gerritsen
…..followed by Show & Tell
Topic: OOS Meeting
Time: Mar 21, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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