Green grower’s meeting was presented by Mike Friday. Mike gave a good presentation on repotting and growing media. President Jana Butcher opened the meeting. The minutes and treasurers reports for January were approved and seconded. Treasury has $26,428.51

There was no old business to report.

Lowell made a motion to give $100.00 in memory of Dieu Truong, motion was seconded and approved. Johnita will talk to Brian about which organization he wishes the memorial to go to.

Keith Warren joined the society. He also brought plants for the raffle.

New Business: Upcoming Garden event sponsored by the Norman Garden Festival to be held at the Cleveland County Fair Grounds on April 13 was discussed. It was decided not to participate again this year

Carolyn McCabe gave each of us a typed agenda for 2013.

Howard Brown gave the Great Plains Judging Center report. There were seven judges in attendance, nine plants were entered and six awards given.

SWROGA –Meeting will be in Tyler TX March 22,23,24

Mike continued with the meeting presentation with a very inspiring film on Conservation hoping we might become involved in 1% Orchid Conservation Coalition.