AOS Webinar of a Q&A session on various orchid issues with questions submitted by viewers.

Johnita Turner called the regular meeting to order.

January minutes were approved.

Allen Koch presented the treasurers report and it was approved.

There was no old business.


There will be a tour to Bustani Plant Farm in Stillwater through the Garden Council the second week in April. More information later. Festival in the Park is May 19th. The Garden Council plant sale is at the end of April and they are asking for donated plants.

There was no Orchid Digest report.

Carolyn reported on SWROGA Tulsa Show. OOS needs plants to use in our display at the show. The Show is April 21 and 22.

Jana reminded everyone of the need for silent auction items and old AOS magazines to give away at the OOS May show.

Members were again asked to review the sign up sheets for volunteers at the OOS May show.

Candy will be doing the show installation for OOS and will need plants for the show by 1:00 on Friday before the show.

Johnita discussed the credit system the Garden Center will be using to give OOS credits toward rental costs in the future.

Regular business meeting was closed.

Keith introduced business OOS members Brian, Lowell, Burrel and Bill who participated in a panel discussion of questions submitted by the attending members and guests.

Show and Tell.


Minutes provide by Carol Ash.
OOS Secretary.