I. Meeting called to order by Jana Butcher.
The meeting took place at Will Rogers Senior Center.

II. Thirty-six (36) people were present including 4 new members.

III. Minutes of the last meeting were approved without changes.

IV. Treasurer’s report was approved without changes. $26,899.14.

V. Old business:

a. The club voted on and unanimously approved two hundred dollars to buy a new refrigerator for the remodeled Garden Center.

b. Thanks to Karen Marichal for organizing the bus trip to Kansas, and Gabriel for taking on the job of Web Master.

VI. New Business:

a. April 22 the Garden Clubs are holding a sale, plants need to be at the Garden Center by 9 am Saturday morning.
We need plants! We need the name of the plants and a picture of the flower (if available).

b. SWROGA show in Tyler, Texas, Friday March 31st is set up day, the show will start April 1st and 2nd.

VII. Green Growers – ‘Growing Under Fluorescent Lights’ a webinar by Steve Frowine.

Great Plains judging was in Winfield, KS. There were 13 submitted and 3 were awarded.

AOS – Howard discussed the advantages of an AOS membership along with the valuable information found in the Orchid magazine. February’s issue has help with pronunciation and botanical terms.

Orchid Digest – Burrel talked about the 4th quarter special edition of Orchid Digest containing more than 70 pages of pictures and information about the catasetum tribe.

Mike Friday is getting together with Charles Hess to discuss conservation issues. He will get back with us.

Mother’s Day Show and Sale – May 12, 13 and 14. Bring your plants for the show Friday.

VIII. Jana introduced our special speaker, Burrel Gambel, we celebrated his 96th birthday. We had a beautiful cake made and decorated by our very own Carolyn. As usual we also had a delicious array of snacks and drinks.

IX. We had two tables full of beautiful orchids for our Show and Tell brought in by several of our members. We also had many raffle plants and several people allowed our guests/new members to pick a plant.

X. There were two specimen plants for auction.

XI. Meeting adjourned around 4 o’clock.

Valerie Jennings – OOS Secretary