Green Growers :

The program consisted of tips for growing orchids. Jana showed how to make pots out of common house hold items, use of plant clips. Johnita explained about “whiffle balls” in the bottom of large pots and she showed how to make ties from green hosiery. Julie Kendall gave an impressive demo on making plant hangers and let everyone take one home. Mike Friday showed how to make net pots and let attendees make their own net pot.

The minutes of the January 17, 2016 meeting were approved as published.

Treasure’s Report

Treasury balance: $31,347.21. Treasurer’s report approved

New Business

Volunteers are needed for the “Garden Festival in the Park” sale. .Johnita said she would help and Linda Israel agreed to help, too. The date of the sale is May 21st.

Old Business

The Charles Hess print needed just a few more tickets to be sold before the drawing. Several people brought the required tickets and drawing was held. Dick Lambrechts won the print.


Anyone wanting to purchase a show shirt needs to get their orders into Johnita before April 1st.

Great Plains AOS Judging

Howard reported that there were 13 plants judged, 7 Judges present, and 4 awards granted.


AOS representative, Howard, described the AOS magazine

Orchid Digest

ODC representative, Burrel, described the Orchid Digest Magazine.

Garden Council

GC representative, Johnita, asked everyone to pot a few plants for the Garden Council plant Sale to be held on April 16th at the Garden Center. Success depends on your participation.


Mike reminded attendees to watch for native Spiranthes which are starting to emerge and bloom.

OOS 2016 Show

Jana called for live and silent auction items as well as bringing used AOS and Orchid Digest issues to give to show attendees. She also encouraged every one to register for the show and the banquet.


Bill Parker gave a great presentation on growing Cattleyas. He and Jackie brought an over grown beautiful plant and hanging mounts , allowing everyone to cut off a piece and challenged them to bring their plants back next February to see who has grown the best plant. He promised a cash reward to the best grown. He also provided every one a special hose attachment for cleaning plants. Meeting adjourned after Show and Tell.

All Content provided by Lowell McCabe