The Great Plains Judging Center met February 15, 2020 with 19 orchids submitted for judging with 7 AOS Awards. Photography by Bryon K. Rinke

Bulbophyllum taiwanense ‘Bryon’ 88 CCM/AOS

Exhibitor Bryon K. Rinke

Cattleya Cosmic Delite ‘EdmondGlenn’ 78 HCC/AOS

Exhibitor Jay Simon

Caulaelia Snowflake ‘Bryon’ 82 AM/AOS

Exhibitor Bryon K. Rinke

Caulaelia Snowflake ‘Bryon’ 87 CCM/AOS

exhibitor Bryon K. Rinke

Dendrobium Aussie Firefly ‘Bryon’ 77 HCC/AOS

Exhibitor Bryon K. Rinke

Dendrobium Bruce Gordon ‘Bryon’ 82 AM/AOS

Exhibitor Bryon K. Rinke

Phal Yaphon Oh Mygod ‘Susan’sValentine’ 81 AM/AOS

Exhibitor Susan Thompkins

AOS Awards

Awarded to Orchid Species or Hybrids

HCC – Highly Commended Certificate (75–79 points)
AM – Award of Merit (80–89 points)
FCC – First Class Certificate (90–100 points)
JC – Judges’ Commendation
CBR – Certificate of Botanical Recognition
CHM – Certificate of Horticultural Merit

Awarded Once to a Cross

AD – Award of Distinction
AQ – Award of Quality

Awarded to the Exhibitor

CCM – Certificate of Cultural Merit (80–89 points)
CCE – Certificate of Cultural Excellence (90–100 points)

To learn more about AOS judging, see AOS Awards & Judging webpage.