The Oklahoma Orchid Society met on Sunday, January 16, 2011, at the Kirkpatrick Horticultural Center at OSU/OKC. The meeting was called to order by the President, Jana Butcher.

Minutes of November Meeting:

Motion made, seconded and passed to approve the November minutes which are posted on the OOS Website.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported a Society fund balance of $23,723.43 including assets of Oklahoma Quarters, Pointers and Momets of $344.50. It is time to renew your membership in OOS. The dues remain $20.00 for single and $25.00 for family.


The Spring SWROGA show is April 1, 2 and 3rd in Baton Rouge, LA. Orchids are need for the OOS Exhibit.

Great Plains Judging Center

Howard reported one plant was present for judging on Saturday, January 12, 2011.


It is time to renew your membership in AOS and subscribe to the AOS magazine.

Orchid Digest

Burrel encouraged membership in ODC. Applications are available at the OOS meetings.

Garden Club

Discussion was held on participating in the Festival in the Park Garden Show. It is to be held on June 10th at the Will Roger’s Garden Center. A decision will be made at the February meeting.

Old Business

A copy of “The Orchid Wiz” was given to OOS with the understanding that we would develop a tutorial for it. A motion was made by Bill Parker to put use the “Orchid Wiz” as a silent auction item at our upcoming orchid show. The motion was seconded and passed.

New Business

A motion was made by Lowell McCabe for the officers to meet and develop an annual budget. The motion was seconded and passed. A motion was made by Carolyn to reserve the Will Roger’s Garden Center for May 11, 12 and 13th 2012 for the OOS Orchid Show. The motion was seconded and passed. Elaine Muhlberg made a motion to donate the OOS storage cabinet to the Garden Council. The motion was seconded and passed. It was discussed and decided to have individual pictures included in the club directory. Lowell will be taking pictures after the February meeting. AOS Calendars are available from the club for $8.00.

2011 Spring Show

Additional volunteers are needed for the show. We are ready to print the brochure but need two volunteers to handle ribbons and trophies. Contact Jana if you can volunteer for these positions.


Howard presented the video provided by Andy titled “Wild orchid man in the ghost orchid swamp.

All Content provided by Lowell McCabe