PBS video “Plants Behaving Badly” reflecting on the unusual ways in which orchids and other plants trick insect, moths, bats, etc into acting as pollinators.

Refreshments were birthday cake and ice cream in honor of Burrel Gambel’s 97th birthday. Carolyn made a beautiful cake decorated with orchids.


Jonnita Turner called to order.
Jana Butcher was recognized for her service the past few years as OOS President. She was presented with gifts from the club. It was announced that she is the new incoming President of SWROGA.

Minutes from the last meeting were presented and accepted by voice vote.
Treasurers report was presented and accepted by voice vote.
Two guests were welcomed.


AOS report presented by Howard Brown. OOS donated $100 to the AOS fundraiser in December. The $40,000 goal was reached.

Orchid Digest report given by Burrel Gambel.

SWROGA regional show will be in Tulsa April 21st and 22nd. Carolyn asked for flowers to send to the show and encouraged OOS members to attend the show. Jana Butcher discussed conservation efforts by SWROGA and there was discussion of the OOS logo to be used in “OrchiGami” handout.

Business meeting was closed.

The program for this month was presented by Keith Warren. He introduced the members to the websites he has found very helpful. and were shown.

Raffle and Show and Tell were completed and the meeting adjourned.

Minutes provided by Carol Ash.
OOS secretary.