Green growers presentation was “Repotting a Large Specimen Orchid” by Dr. Kay Backues, president of the Tulsa Orchid Society and veterinarian at the Tulsa Zoo. She repotted a very large cattleya orchid and discussed medium, fertilizer, water, etc. 21 members were in attendance.

  • Meeting was called to order by Jana Butcher. Visitors were welcomed.
  • The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted and approved by acclamation.
  • The treasure’s report was presented by Allen Koch, accepted and approved by acclamation.
  • An update on the Garden Center rental fee increase, including 2018 show cost increase by the Oklahoma City Parks department was given.
    Volunteer hours being applied to the rental fees was discussed.
  • Valerie Jennings will be unable to continue as secretary of the OOS for the remainder of her term in 2017.
    Carol Ash agreed to complete Valerie’s term.
  • Some officers will be unavailable for the August meeting and Allen Koch will lead that meeting.
  • SWROGA, Great Plains Judging and AOS reports were given
    The Tulsa Orchid Society Show will be April 21 and 22, 2018
    SWROGA Show in Fort Worth, TX. will be November 4 and 5, 2017.
  • 2 Vanda Orchids were auctioned, netting $75.00 for the OOS.
  • Johnita is taking orders with prepayment required, for blue chambray or khaki shirts with the OOS logo on the breast. She had samples to view and the price for the members is $23.00 each.
  • Sherwood, on behalf of the OOS, presented Johnita with 2 rare orchids and a framed collection of photos, along with a poem written by Sherwood in appreciation for all that Johnita has done in dealing with the parks department on behalf of the OOS.
  • The theme for the 2018 show was discussed. Any suggestions should be sent to Jana Butcher and vote will be taken at the September Meeting to select a theme.
  • Meeting was closed around 4 o’clock.

July’s Minutes provided by Carol Ash.