The green growers meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm. Keith Warren introduced Jana Butcher and Gerry Holland with their program.
Repotting Orchids.
High light points of this program discussed:
Various potting mediums.
When to repot your orchid
Various watering patterns used.
Mounting was mentioned.
Use of Styrofoam packing peanuts was mention.
Different pot sizes was presented

The regular business meeting was called by Johnita Turner at 2pm. The meeting had 4 new members and 1 guest attending. The new members signed up at the Orchid Show. The membership welcomed their attendance.

Committe reports:

Treasurer report – Allen Koch reported on the bank balance as of close of Business May 31, 2018 $27,857.70
Allen reported that the Show Report (2018) was not available yet. All bills have not been received and paid. The Festival Report will be available in the future. OOS made small profit.

Other standard reports:

OKC Garden Council – No report, closed for summer.

AOS report – no report.

Orchid Digest – no report.

Great Plains Judging Center – No report. The monthly meeting is not until the following Saturday.

Misc. Report: – Jana Butcher presented a list of dates reserved at the Will Rogers Garden Center.

President Report – Johnita talked about volunteer hours. It was noted that the calendar year for Will Rogers close June 30, 2018 at 11:59 pm. Hours for 2019 close at that time. We need to do more volunteer hours to help pay for the 2019 Show.

The Throphy OOS won at the Tulsa Show was presented.

Old Business – no report.

New Business – The following OOS show procedure change was introduced.
A new show procedure was introduced to the membership.
To be able to exhibit ypur plant(s) in the Oklahoma Orchid Society exhibit (Society or Group Class (es)) all exhibitors must be current on dues payment.
As outlined by the OOS ByLaws dues payment year is January 1st through December 31st of the current year.
The motion was voted upon and passed by the membership.

Jackie Parker discussed the upcoming Red River Orchid Society Annual Summer Picnic and the membership of the OOS were invited.

The meeting adjourned around 3:45 pm.

Minutes submitted by Allen Koch as acting secretary.
July 12th 2018 2:03 am

Gabriel Guerrero-Savage
OOS Webmaster.