1. The meeting was called to order by John Spencer at 1:03pm.
  1. Introduction of guests and new members since last meeting.  Number present: 26 current members attended. Welcome to our new members and guests!
  1. Approval of meeting minutes: Since we have not met since March, the minutes for approval are from several months ago. President Friday asked if members had looked over these minutes. 
  1. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report will be posted on the OOS website when available. 
  2. Committee Chair Reports: 
    • Membership – Jessica Neilson, Chair:  No membership committee report was given this month.
    • Programming – John Spencer, Chair:  John Spencer and Mike Friday discussed the logistics of the July trip to Nocona,  Texas. Details of the discussion are located in “Old Business” of these minutes. 
    • Show & Sale – Jana Butcher, Bridget Andoe and Marinel Kelley, Co-Chairs:  Jana Butcher reported the OOS May Show and Sale was a resounding success, with over 600 people looking over the displays and purchasing orchids from the three vendors on hand this year. The introductory “Kids Corner” was a big hit. Twenty-one kids, young and old alike, participated in the inaugural event designed to expose young people to the world of orchids.  All three committee chairs extended a huge thank you to all who participated in the success of the “Kids Corner” and this year’s show.   The two-day show and sale yielded a net gain of $1047.00 for OOS.  Jana emphasized this net gain was attained, in part, because of the volunteer time all of our members devoted during the year to support Will Rogers Park & Gardens. A HUGE thank you to all of you for your commitment and hard work!  Of note for this year’s show, our own OOS table display won both the OAS and the Orchid Digest Trophies. Thank you to those who took time to set up the beautiful OOS display.   Next year will be the Society’s 75th anniversary and will be the theme of next year’s show and sale, held May 2 – 4, 2025. A poster contest to use for advertising next year’s show is now open. Entries will be submitted in August and the winner announced at the September 15th meeting. 
    • Investment – Jana Butcher, Chair:  There was no report this month.
    • Conservation– Mike Friday: 
    • Mike Friday and Jana Butcher let all know there was a $140.00 orchid conservation donation given to the Society during the Show and Sale.
    • Website – Doug Needham:  Doug Needham visited the Orchid Society of Greater Kansas City June 9th, 2024 and gave a presentation titled “Orchid Care in the Home” and share the database he has built and offered to OOS members on website. 

6. Affiliate Reports:

  • Great Plains Judging Center – Catherine Chance and Jana Butcher:  The regional judging center welcomed sixteen orchids this month and awarded eight awards. One of the beautiful orchids received a double award!
  • AOS Representative – Gerry Holland:  Mike Friday filled in this month and gave a brief overview of the AOS and the AOS magazine for new members who joined OOS recently.
  • SWROGA – Jana Butcher, Bill Parker and Catherine Chance:  Jana Butcher stated the SWROGA spring 2025 show will be the Galveston Bay OS Show and Sale, May 10th – 11th, 2025.   A fall show is awaiting a sponsor at this date.
  •  Orchid Digest Representative – Bill Parker:  No report this month.
  • OKC Council of Gardens Clubs – Jana Butcher:  The Council is on hiatus until through September therefore no report was made. 

7. Old Business:

  • Mike Friday has been in contact with The Color Me Orchid regarding the July trip to the Nocona, Texas vendor.  The vendor will host OOS Saturday July 13th, 10:00am – 2:00pm.  Because of the high cost of renting a bus, members will carpool to the venue. John Spencer will send out an email to members later this month to organize the carpool from Stillwater and Oklahoma City. 
  • The scholarship committee accepted applications from eleven qualified candidates for the inaugural student scholarship award. The awardee, Michael Cook, will be presented $2000.00 toward his tuition during the August 18th, 2024 monthly meeting. Thank you to Jana Butcher, Doug Needham, John Spencer and Kim Kyker for serving on the selection committee. 

8. New Business:

  • Doug Needham, on behalf of the trustees, proposes a lifetime membership be awarded to Howard Brown and Johnita Turner, both are long time OOS members and have contributed much to the Society, including serving as OOS president and hosting the long-standing Christmas party to name a few.  This proposal was approved by unanimous vote.
  • Carol Ash has been in contact with Marth Suzuki from Maui Orchid Society. She indicated their Society has not been able to meet since the fires destroyed their meeting place several months ago. It was suggested OOS invite their Society to join ours via Zoom for a meeting.  After discussion, it was motioned by Jana Butcher to OOS adopt the Maui Orchid Society for a length of one year and extend Zoom links to join OOS monthly meetings. The motion was seconded by Catherine Chance and approved by unanimous vote. 
  1. Laura Shaw indicated interest in a time during the monthly meeting for a moment of Q & A for newer growers. Member discussions showed an interest in a Q&A session during upcoming monthly meeting.  Laura Shaw motioned for the placement of session in the monthly meetings. The motion was seconded by Mike Friday. Approval was unanimous among members. 
  1. Adjourn Business Meeting at 1:50pm.
  2. Refreshment Break – Thank you, Hospitality Hosts!
  1. Program/Presentation – John Spencer introduced members Brian Truong, Jana Butcher and Doug Needham who gave hands on demonstrations for repotting orchids. The program was divided into 1. Basic information for the new(er) grower, 2. repotting for the indoor/window ledge grower and 3. repotting with a greenhouse grower.  Thank you for the information invaluable to both new and seasoned growers.
  1. Show and Tell Table – Many beautiful blooming orchids were brought to today’s meeting. Thank you to those who showed their plants and described their culture.
  1. Auction and Raffle – Doug Needham auctioned one plant donated by member and Bridget Andoe followed by raffling of additional plants brought by OOS members. Thank you to all who donated platns for today’s action and raffle!
  1. Meeting Adjourned – Mike Friday adjourned the meeting at 3:35pm.