I. Meeting was called to order by Jana Butcher.

II. Twenty three (23) people were present including 4 new members.

III. Minutes of the last meeting were approved without changes.

IV. Treasure’s report was approved without changes. $27,644.48

V. Old business: None

VI. New Business:

a. The new rates for meeting and show venue were discussed. A vote was taken and passed to meet in the large meeting room (room 1) instead of the Great Hall beginning in August 2018.

b. a proposed amendment to the Bylaws was submitted to the members accordingly: in the event of dissolution of the Oklahoma Orchid Society any and all assets above liabilities shall accrue to the SWROGA at its current address. In the event that the SWROGA has dissolved, any and all assets above liabilities shall accrue to the American Orchid Society at its current address. After discussion the amendment passed.

VII. Green growers.- Brian Truong and Gerry Holland presented a very thorough program on how to repot an orchid.

Great Plains.- Judging was in Winfield, KS. There were 13 submitted and 6 were awarded.

AOS.- Howard discussed the advantages of an AOS membership along with valuable information found in the Orchid magazine. He pointed out that a certificate worth $30 off of a $100 orchid order is given by AOS with a two year membership.

Orchid Digest.- No report.

SWROGA.- No report

VIII. The general meeting was a continuation of the repotting program with a hands-on session.

IX. There were a large number of raffle plants and a large Vanda and

a Paph were auctioned.

X. Meeting was adjourned around 4 o’clock.

June’s Minutes provided by Carolyn McCabe.