The Oklahoma Orchid Society met on Sunday, March 16, 2008, at the Will Rogers Garden Center. The meeting was called to order by the president, Howard Brown.

Minutes of February Meeting:

Motion made, seconded and approved to accept minutes of the February meeting as printed in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s report:

The balance in the OOS account is $1498.33. The balance in the 2010 show account is $8,294.45. Motion made, seconded and approved to accept treasurer’s report.


The spring SWROGA show will be in Rodgers, Arkansas. We will be putting in a display. The show will be May 2-4, 2008. There will also be a show in Wichita Falls, Texas, sponsored by Red River Orchid Society the first weekend in April.

Great Plains Judging Center:

Judging was held on Saturday, March 15th. Thirty plants were judged. Five were awarded. All received HCC’s. Photos are available on the society’s website.


There is a special at this time: $99.95 for a two year membership, along with a $30 coupon.

Orchid Digest

Application forms are available from Burrel Gambel.

Garden Club

There will be a sale on April 11th. You can donate any type of plant for sale. Proceeds will be to benefit the upkeep of the garden center building. We will be participating in the Mother’s Day Sale on May 10th, from 9am till 3pm. The North Central District Spring Convention will be April 1, 2008. The speaker will be David Lindo.

Old Business:

Lionel and Johnita will need plants to put in our society’s disaplay at the Tulsa Orchid show. Please contact them if you have plants they can use.

New Business:

We will have a spring orchid show in 2009 to help get us prepared for the AOS show in 2010. Volunteers will be needed. Lowell McCabe will be the show chair. Tentative date is the third weekend in April, 2009. The possibility of moving our meeting place to the OSU-OKC Horicultural Building was discussed. There is a new building opening. There would be no charge to the society for use of this facility.

2010 AOS Show

Red River Orchid Society brought plants for sale with profit to go to the 2010 AOS show. Thank you, Red River!


Greengrowers program was presented by Jack Wampler. The discussion covered the culture of barkerias.


The program was presented by Burrel Gambel. The subject was the angraecums, with slides provided by Orchid Digest.

All Content provided by Lowell McCabe