I. The meeting was called to order by Jana Butcher in the newly renovated Will Rogers garden center.

II. Minutes were approved without changes.

III. The Treasure’s report was approved without changes. $27,896.13

IV. Old business:

a. Several of our members attended the SWROGA show in Tyler, Tx. at the end of March and this past weekend we had members at the Tulsa show. If you have the opportunity, go to one of the shows they truly are a lot of fun.

b. Our lighting committee was able find just the right lighting system for our exhibits. They did at great job finding the bulbs that aren’t too hot and would show the true color of the flowers in the exhibit.

c. It was decided to keep the logo that we have been using for many years. It is the one that we have on our t-shirts.

V. New business:

a. Garden Center- Karen Marichal helped at the garden center last month and accrued 8 hours of ‘pay’ for the club. A group of 5 to 7 people planted 5,000 plants. If everyone could give 2 or more hours maybe we can use our hours to ‘pay’ our monthly rent.

b. Monthly meetings- We need to have more participation in setting up and tearing down the chairs/tables for our meetings. The same people end up doing most of the setup although we do have more help in the teardown.

c. Garden Club- April 22, plant sale, bring your plants by 9am labeled and with a picture of the flower if possible.

d. April meeting-Sun, April 30 is to be held at the McCabes and we will be learning about how to setup a show. Bring a plant.

e. Great Plains judging- was held in Kansas, there were 7 plants submitted and 2 awards.

f. Conservation- no report

It was decided to offer Charles Hess a free table for our May show.

g. SWROGA- the next SWROGA is in Tulsa, April 22nd & 23rd.

h. Auction- One plant auctioned; Princess Picassa $50

i. Orchid Digest- no report

j. May show- help

1. the vendors that are judging

2. setup with the exhibits – the Ashes

3. clerking for the judges

4. participating in Orchid in Use

5. bring your plants in bloom

6. banquet will be at Nancy’s Lighthouse

7. show auction-we need donations

8. still need food items, Sunday we will pass around the sheet

k. Green Growers- Jana put on a great presentation, Growing Orchids in the House;

The next presentation was Growing and Repotting Paphiopedilums.

VI. Meeting was adjourned around 4 pm

Valerie Jennings – OOS Secretary