For specific information about a given month’s meeting or event, click on the item in the “Upcoming Meetings & Events” widget at the right or bottom of this page. Visitors are always welcome to attend a regular monthly meeting of the Oklahoma Orchid Society!
Oklahoma Orchid Society holds its regular monthly meetings at the Will Rogers Gardens Exhibition Center, 3400 NW 36th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, at 1:00–3:30pm on the third Sunday of each month, except for November, December, and, typically, the month of the Society’s annual Show & Sale. November’s greenhouse tour and meeting and December’s holiday event are members-only events. Members should log-in to see these events’ details in the “Upcoming Meetings & Events” calendar.
Each monthly meeting begins at 1pm with Grower Tips, where OOS members address a specific orchid growing challenge, e.g. a specific pest, repotting, mounting, humidity, or fertilization, and answer questions from the audience. Come with questions, and they’ll provide answers! The Business Meeting follows at 1:20–1:50pm; Program Presentation at 2–3pm; and “Show Table“, raffle and/or auction at 3–3:30pm. The general public is invited to attend any regular monthly meeting to learn more about the Society and to fellowship with its members about orchids.
In fulfillment of its mission, this Society shall … bring together persons interested in learning about orchids.
OOS Constitution
Banner Image Fun Fact
Onc. Lisa Devos ‘Burgundy’ AM/AOS
The genus Oncidium (on-SlD-ee-um), abbreviated Onc., was first described by Olof Swartz in 1800 with the orchid Oncidium altissimum, which has become the type species. Its name is derived from the Greek word onkos (ὀγκος), meaning “swelling,” in reference to the callus at the lower lip. The cultivar in this image, which was previously included in the nothogenus Wilsonara, was awarded an Award of Merit by the American Orchid Society with a score of 84 points.
Some of the text about this image is from Wikipedia, and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.