OOS is fortunate to host many excellent speakers at its monthly meetings and annual Show & Sale. Many of the linked videos below are publicly hosted on YouTube, including Oklahoma Orchid Society’s YouTube channel; however, some are restricted as members-only content per agreement with the presenter.
Breeding and Culture of Specific Orchid Genera by Subtribe
- Catasetinae Species and Their Cultivation by Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids
- Cycnoches, Mormodes, Catasetum Recent Trends by Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids
- Dendrobium — A look at the Phalaenanthe Section by Manuel “Manny” Aybar
- Taiwan Orchid Show and Breeding Trends by Manuel “Manny” Aybar
- A Very Incomplete Overview of Intergeneric Orchids by Sarah Pratt
- Brassia—”No Arachnophobia Here!” by Eric Sauer of River Valley Orchids (OOS Members-Only Video)
- Growing Equitant Oncidium – Tolumnia by Bill Parker
- Hybridizing at New Vision Orchids: Odontoglossum and Other Genera by Russ Vernon of New Vision Orchids (OOS Members-Only Video)
- Growing Paphiopedilum — Part 1 by Dr. Dotty Woodson of D and B Orchids
- Growing Paphiopedilum — Part 2 by Dr. Dotty Woodson of D and B Orchids
- Novelty Paphiopedilum by David Sorokowsky of Paph Paradise (OOS Members-only Video)
- Paphiopedilum rothschildianum — King of Paphs by David Sorokowsky of Paph Paradise (OOS Members-Only Video)
- Phragmipedium Quality Flowers & Culture – Part 1 by Jason Fischer of Orchids Limited
- Phragmipedium Quality Flowers & Culture – Part 2 by Jason Fischer of Orchids Limited
Orchid Culture
- Don’t Throw Away that Orchid — Part 1 by Dr. Dotty Woodson of D and B Orchids
- Don’t Throw Away that Orchid — Part 2 by Dr. Dotty Woodson of D and B Orchids
- Five Reasons I Hate Orchids by Sarah Pratt
- Orchid Growing 101 by Dr. Michael Friday
- Orchids and Water Quality by Catherine Chance (OOS Members-Only Video)
- Panel Discussion — Part 1 by OOS Members
- Panel Discussion — Part 2, including Orchid Culture Overview by OOS Members
- Winterizing Your Orchid Collection by Dr. Douglas Needham (OOS Members-Only Video)
Orchid Conservation
- Invasive Species: The Dark Side of Orchids by Dr. Peter Zale, Associate Director, Conservation, Plant Breeding, and Collections, Longwood Gardens (OOS Members-Only Video)
- Orchid Mycorrhizal Relationships by Dr. Kelly D. Craven, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oklahoma State University
Orchid Lighting
- Orchid Culture by Windowsill and Lights: Gardening Indoors by Dr. Erik Runkle, Professor and Floriculture Extension Specialist, Michigan State University (OOS Members-Only Video)
Orchid Potting and Mounting
- Orchid Repotting with Brian Truong of Okie Orchids
- Growing on a Jungle Log & Alternative Potting Methods by Jason Fischer of Orchids Limited
Orchid Propagation
- How to Flask Orchid Seeds (green pod method) by Jay Simon
Orchid Record Keeping
- AOS OrchidPro Tutorial by Deb Bodei, AOS Associate Judge, NE Judging Center, and JC IT Task Force Chair (OOS Members-Only Video)
- Orchid Record Keeping by Sarah Hedean, Living Collections Manager, Smithsonian Gardens (OOS Members-Only Video)
Orchid Tours
- Rio Negro Orchid Adventure by Claire Garrett
- Summer Tour of Smithsonian Gardens Orchid Collection by Justin Kondrat, Lead Horticulturist, Smithsonian Gardens Orchid Collection (OOS Members-Only Video)
In fulfillment of its mission, this Society shall … procure and disseminate among its members information as to the methods of orchid culture, conservation, hybridization, and propagation.
OOS Constitution
Banner Image Fun Fact
Rhy. coelestis
The name of the genus Rhynchostylis (rink-oh-STY-liss), abbreviated Rhy., consists of a compound of two Greek elements: rhynchos, meaning “beak,” and stylis, meaning “column,” which refers to the very broad, fleshy column of the flower. Many species within the genus are fragrant, including the delightfully fragrant Rhy. coelestis.
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