This month’s meeting was held in Chickasha, at the Presbyterian Church where Burrel Gambel is a member. Before the meeting we were treated to a tour of Burrel’s greenhouse at his home. At the church following the greenhouse tour the members enjoyed pizza and drinks and had a great time visiting before the meeting.

Jana called the meeting to order. 4 visitors and 25 members were in attendance.

The October meeting minutes and treasurer’s report were presented and accepted by voice vote.


1. Discussion of the Garden Center’s new contract which has not yet been signed and received by the society, but should be completed soon. There was discussion of the volunteer hours that will credited towards the rental fees for meeting space.
Tracking of hours of member volunteers will be done by the City, and Keith Warren will track them as well. More information on volunteer duties needed and tracking will be communicated later.

2. The Show Poster choices were voted on.

3. SWROGA Show in Fort Worth was successful and OOS received many awards. The next SWROGA show will be in Tulsa.

4. 2018 officer nominees were: Johnita Turner, President; Keith Warren, Vice President; Carol Ash, Secretary; Allen Koch, Treasurer. All were elected by voice vote.


  • Treasurer Allen Koch announced that annual dues for 2008 can be paid now.
  • A beautiful vanda was auctioned by Carolyn McCabe.
  • The OOS Christmas Party will be held at Johnita Turner’s home on December 16th at 5:30ish Bring pot luck dish and a Dirty Santa orchid themed gift, $15.00 minimum value. An invitation will be sent by e-mail to members later.
  • The Red River Orchid Society Christmas Party will be held at the Parker’s home in Iowa Park, TX. on December 9th around noon. The greenhouse should be open around 10:00 am. Bring covered dish and Dirty Santa Gift valued around $15.00
  • Christmas lighting at the OKC Garden Center will be November 26th at 5:30 pm in the glass house. OOS will have a table.
  • Burrel Gambel gave away tickets and raffled a Molly Tyler Cattleya.
  • Howard Brown gave the Great Plains Judging report and the AOS report.
  • Burrel gave the Orchid Digest report.
  • Johnita reported on the OK Garden Council.
  • The OOS donation to the AOS conservation effort was the top donation received and the OOS will receive recognition.
  • 2018 Show will end on Sunday of the show at 3:00 pm instead of 4:00 pm to give volunteers more time to break down the show and clean the venue in time to leave the building.
  • Jana closed the meeting.

Minutes provided by Carol Ash.
OOS Secretary