I. Meeting took place at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas. The meeting was called to order by Jana Butcher.

II. Minutes of the last meeting were approved without changes.

III. Treasurer’s Report was approved without changes. $26,000 plus.

IV. Announcement.
Pizza for everyone. Really good and still warm.

V. Nominating Committee.
Slate of officers.
President – Jana Butcher.
Vice President – Keith Warren.
Secretary – Valerie Jennings.
Treasurer – Allen Koch.

– Jana said she would notifiy those not present by email.
– Johnita said we had Quorum.
– A vote was taken and the slate was elected.

VI. AOS Report. No report
Orchid Digest. No report.

VII. Announcements.

– Jana Notified us that our floor exhibit won a trophy for Best Small Floor exhibit in Shreveport Louisiana.
Congrats and thanks for all who helped put the exhibit together.

– Jana noted that almost every flower in our exhibit had a ribbon.
Two trophys were awarded.

– SWROGA next show is Tyler April 1 and 2.

– Great Plains. 5 orchids were awarded

– Garden Council.
Johnita reported that the clubs and Societies have about reached an agreement with Oklahoma City. We can earn creadits for our club meeting costs by volunteering at Will Rogers. These hours worked will off-set the cost of our hourly rental fees.
Please come help decorate the Christmas tree and come to the lighting ceremony on the 26th at 6 PM at Will Rogers.
We will have a table at the Lighting Event. Maybe we will pick up some new members.

VIII. Old business.

The three posters entered for our May show were presented and a vote was taken. The poster Contest was won by Andy Harding.

Tour of the green houses at the Southwestern College in Kansas.
Bryon Rinke and Max Thompson gave us a great tour. There were orchid and Poinsettias for sale.
We all came home with our arms full and had a great day. Spent our money quickly so we were able to catch the bus early.
When we arrived home, we all stood for a group photo.