1. Monthly meeting was preceded by tour of Gerry Holland’s greenhouse. Refreshments were served prior to meeting.
  2. Meeting called to order by Jana Butcher at 2:33 pm
  3. Introduction of guests and new members. Number of members present 16 and guests 2, Randy Taylor and Catherine Chance.
  4. Approval of minutes of previous meeting (September) approved by membership. No meeting was held in October.
  5. Treasurer’s report: September and October reports show $25,224.44 in the bank accounts presented by Jana Butcher per Allen Koch’s report. Allen later gave a report from the October show.
  6. Old business: 1. Election of 2022 officers unanimously approved by membership. Doug Needham as president, John Spencer as vice-president, Gerry Holland as secretary, and Carol Ash as treasurer. 2. Rare orchid book donated to OOS will be given to the AOS to add to its library and archives. Claire Garrett will take it personally to the AOS library in Florida. Doug Needham recommended that the book have a Deed of Gifts associated with it, and AOS will be asked about this document for the book. The family who donated the book will be thanked and informed of the donation of it to AOS. 3. Will Rogers Gardens approached Jana Butcher about OOS members being responsible annually for putting up and taking down Christmas lights in a selected area in front of the conservatory, where the Society has placed lights the past two years. Members approved this project. The hours for service will be considered volunteer hours credited to OOS. There will be a system for the lighting placement and removal in place before next year’s lighting placement. 4. The Tulsa Orchid Show is May 21–22, 2022, and the Kansas Orchid Society’s Show & Sale is April 29–May 1. After the start of the New Year, members will discuss doing an OOS exhibit for these shows. 5. Discussion led by Jana Butcher with motion by Doug Needham and second by John Spencer for a one-day Bench Show & Sale on May 7th, 2022, with no exhibits, including no conservation or education exhibit; no show or sale in October 2022; and then a full OOS Show & Sale the following year around Mothers Day in 2023. This will realign our show with Mothers Day as a spring event. Motion carried.
  7. New business: 1. Saturday December 4th is Christmas party at Johnita Turner’s home at 5:30. Members are to bring a dish or dessert and an orchid plant (minimum value $15.00) if wishing to participate in a Left-Right game. 2. Gerry Holland, Johnita Turner, Bill Parker, and his daughter, Catherine Chance, donated the OOS Exhibit Trophy money to OOS for the purchase of a credit/debit card reader, e.g. Square or PayPal, for OOS to use, rather than relying on members’ Square devices. Doug Needham recommended that incoming treasurer Carol Ash investigate Square vs. PayPal, as the Society already has a PayPal account that it uses on its website. Regardless of device selected, it is important that charges processed through it are shown as “Oklahoma Orchid Society” on the customers’ credit/debit card statements,
  8. Announcements: 1. Thank you’s were given to all members who have helped with the October show and recent volunteer projects with special thanks to Marinel Kelley and her daughter, Bridget Andoe, for their help with all of the projects. 2. January 8th at 9 am is take down of Christmas lights at Will Rogers Gardens by OOS; if inclement weather then this will be done as part of the Society’s regular monthly meeting in January. 3. A thank you letter and photo was sent from a woman that won a plant at the OOS show raffle .
  9. Reports:
    1. Great Plains Judging Center- Lowell reported that November’s AOS awarded plants are posted on OOS’s website.
    2. AOS Representative- AOS Centennial was postponed. Several benefits of being an AOS member were presented.
    3. SWROGA- Kansas SWROGA show for 2022 is to be announced as to whether it will be a full show or table top show.
    4. Orchid Digest- Carol & Terry Ash’s Diamond Award will be featured in the January 2022 issue.
    5. OK Garden Council- Carolyn reported they are meeting face-to-face monthly.
    6. Conservation -none
    7. Show Chairperson- Doug Needham gave a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped with the October Show & Sale, and he recognized the outgoing officers for their tremendous work and dedication to the Society.
    8. Other Reports- Doug Needham met with the incoming officers last Sunday via Zoom. He presented OOS’s 2022 goals to the membership. The goals are as follows: 1. Study the Society’s non-profit status and see how we can better leverage it for reduced fees, e.g. at PayPal and HostGator. 2. Grow and enhance OOS’s membership. 3. Deliver engaging programming. John Spencer will be sending a survey to learn what topics members consider most important to meet their needs and to help them become better orchid growers. 4. Host a successful Show & Sale in May 2022.
  10. Members donated plants at the meeting for door prizes, and Doug Needham contributed two plants for auction.
  11. Adjournment: 3:15pm