Sarah Pratt of Timbucktoo Orchids was guest speaker for Green Growers. She presented “Five Things I Hate about Orchids” which was informative as well as humorous.

Jana Butcher called the regular meeting to order. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the September meeting were presented and accepted by voice vote.

There were 23 members and 2 guests in attendance.

Old Business:

  • The Garden Center agreement has been signed and the system for tracking volunteer hours will be finalized and reported at a later meeting.
  • The nominations committee for 2018 officers is requesting nominations to be sent to Lowell McCabe or Howard Brown.
    The current nominees include:
    President: Johnita Turner, VP: Keith Warren, Treasurer: Allen Koch and Secretary: Carol Ash.
  • Entries for the 2018 Show Poster are needed. Theme “Discovering Orchids”. Prize: $25 vendor coupon or free banquet ticket.
  • Johnita is taking orders from OOS shirts today only. There will be no more orders.
  • SWROGA Show in Fort Worth – plants are needed for the OOS exhibit. Members can get their plants to Johnita or Jana by Thursday November 2nd. E-mail Jana with the plant tag name so tags and labels of the orchids can be prepared in advance.

New Business:

  • Carolyn asked for consideration of a donation to SWROGA for conservation efforts in the amount of $500. Sarah Pratt, today’s speaker, is donating her speaker fee to conservation fund.
    Member voted to make the donation.
  • Gabe has added new items to the website including videos.
  • The november meeting will be a green house tour at Burrel Gambel’s home in Chickasha on November 18 at 1:00 pm, which is a Saturday. The meeting and lunch provided by OOS will be held afterwards at the Presbyterian Church of Chickasha. A map with directions was available and will be included on OOS website. Let Jana know if a ride is needed; carpools will beset up if needed, to Chickasha.
  • The Christmas party will be held at Johnita’s home on December 16 at 5:30ish.
  • Howard Brown gave the Great Plains Judging report.
  • Burrel gave the Orchid Digest report.
  • Michael Friday Gave the conservation Report
  • The Garden Center three lighting will be November 26th and the OOS will have a table in the glass house adjacent to the Garden Center.
  • The 2018 Show help list was passed around and Jana asked for volunteers for advertising. Other areas needing volunteers were outlined.
  • Carolyn will provides cups, plates, etc., for upcoming meetings.
  • Jana closed the meeting.
  • Sarah Pratt gave “Oncidium Alliance” presentation.
  • Show & Tell and raffle completed the meeting.