The Society achieved its mission “to educate and foster the appreciation of orchids and their culture” through its meetings, events, volunteerism, and donations. Thanks to our donors, trustees, and members, the Society accomplished all of its strategic goals for 2023!
Major Accomplishments
- Invested OOS monies in three CDs and an Exchange-Traded Fund for greater return.
- Developed OOS Scholarship Application for inaugural use in 2024.
Membership Accomplishments
- Grew OOS membership from 76 to 90 active members — nearly a 20% increase!
- Added value to membership via members-only web content.
- OOS members contributed >100 volunteer hours at Will Rogers Gardens, including teaching two public classes on orchids, engaging youth at “Easter Egg Hunt” and “Halloween on the Green,” installing and removing Christmas lights, and other activities.
- Two OOS members continued as AOS Student Judges.
- Three OOS members were awarded 18 AOS awards, and many members won numerous show ribbons and trophies.

Income from fundraising, investments, and membership dues, enabled the Society to achieve its mission through program services and contributions to other organizations. Thank you, generous contributors!
- Contributed $900 to Great Plains Judging Center, Southwest Regional Orchid Growers Association, American Orchid Society, and Maui Strong Fund.
- Provided seven presentations by speakers from across the U.S.
- Presented international orchid travel opportunities to members.
- Engaged place-bound and out-of-state members in monthly meetings via Zoom.
- Hosted Kansas Orchid Society members to a picnic and tour of Needham’s glasshouse of orchids.
- Toured Pugh Gardens, hosted by Daniel Pugh.
- Conducted a very successful two-day Show & Sale, engaging 680 attendees, registering 35 new members, and earning over $1000 for the Society.
- Exhibited at three societies’ shows, earning “Best Society Tabletop Exhibit,” “Best Tabletop Exhibit,” and “Orchid Digest Best Exhibit.”
- Achieved 95,900 total impressions and 1,970 total click-throughs via the Society’s website okOrchidSociety.org.