OOS 11-15-2020 Meeting Minutes – approved 01-17-2021

  1. ZOOM Meeting called to order by President Jana Butcher at 2:00 PM.
  2. 14 members present. 0 Guests.
  3. October meeting minutes on website, (Approved).
  4. Treasurer’s report for October by Allen Koch, (Approved). OOS now has a debit card for use. OOS needs to get a second signer on the accounts in addition to the Treasurer. Will use this to pay website bills in future.
  1. Old business:

A. Great meeting, auction and plant sale at Johnita Turner’s house last month.

B. OOS Website information by Douglas Needham: 1) Steering Committee met 11-2-2020 to review other sites and best design practices. 2) They will develop test site next. 3) John to develop a poll thru Surveymonkey for OOS members to give feedback on website uses. About 10 questions to answer and the answers will help develop the test site. 4) Meeting with new slate of OOS Officers in January 2021 to review the test site developed.

C. As Nominating Committee for 2021 Officers, Jana Butcher called for any more nominations from floor, none. Announced on-line vote and slate of 2021 officers as President – Jana Butcher, Vice-President – Carolyn McCabe, Secretary – Gerry Holland and Treasurer – Allen Koch (Approved).

  1. New business: None
  2. Announcements:

A. No December OOS Meeting – Members find ways to wish other members Happy Holidays if want to.

B. Thank you to all members who volunteered at the Will Rogers Garden Center to put up Christmas lights. Need more volunteer hours, so, OOS is set to help take down the lights on 1-9-2021 at 9:00 am, mark your calendars to come help.

C. LA-TX Zoom Meeting Dec. 12, 2020 @ 9:00am is FREE. Will have great speakers and a short course for Judges like training session on Cattleyas. Jana will forward e-mail with more information.

D. OOS January and February meetings will be by Zoom again.

E. As new Vice President, Carolyn plans to have personal speakers at every meeting next year. Plans to have the 1-2pm Green Growers presentation geared for newcomers and things they need to know.

F. OOS annual dues are coming due – Please mail your dues using checks to Allen Koch, our treasurer.

  1. Reports:

A. Great Plains Judging Center: No report.

B. AOS representative: No report.

C. SWROGA: 1) Kansas SWROGA Show is May 7-9, 2021. 2) Paph reference cards have been received and will be available for use for shows/judging.

D. Orchid Digest Representative: No report.

E. OK Garden Council: 1) Carolyn McCabe reported ZOOM was 11-13-2020 and the By-Laws were ratified. Next meeting is on the 2nd Friday in December @10:00 am. Guest speaker to be from WildCare out of Noble, OK. 2) Tuesday at 1:00 pm the Late Bloomers Meeting will be a presentation on Native Orchids of Oklahoma.

F. Conservation: 1) Mike Friday has an active project with “Crane Fly Orchids” from around Fayetteville, NC as habitat was being bulldozed over for new construction. Some were relocated to Thunderbird Lake area and some around his property. 2) Mike will be holding the OOS public class on Greenhouse planning & construction next year.

G. Upcoming Show/Sales: 1) Jana reported May 1, 2021 sale planning is going well. 2) Douglas Needham announced 2021 OOS SWROGA Show & Sale Theme title suggestions and voting resulted in “Bewitched by Orchids” as the winner. Thanked Claire Garrett for submitting it. Now the Postcard design competition: for all to participate in not just OOS members, must submit original work with at least 8 required things in A6 postcard style, portrait or landscape pdf file due by 2/1/2021, please e-mail Douglas Needham. Winner of postcard design will receive a $25.00 vendor coupon to be used at the show. 3) Still need sub-committee chair volunteers for Publicity, and Vendors/Raffle.

  1. Meeting closed at 2:45 PM.
  2. Show & Tell: Carolyn and Lowell McCabe, Doug Needham, Jana Butcher, Claire Garrett.
  1. Orchid Stories: Carolyn McCabe, Claire Garrett, Gabriel Guerrero-Savage, Douglas Needham, Marcy Robinowitz and Jana Butcher
  1. Adjournment at 3:30 PM.

Submitted by Audrey Ripper, OOS Secretary