Although there are numerous internet resources on orchids, the following links are to select, respected authorities on orchid identification and culture. Also, see OOS’s Pictorial Culture Guide and Meeting Presentation Videos.
- Alphabetical List of Standard Abbreviations for Natural and Hybrid Generic Names of Orchids — The Royal Horticultural Society
- Alphabetical One-Table List of Genera and Intergeneric Hybrids — The Royal Horticultural Society
- AOS Culture Sheets and the book The American Orchid Society Guide to Orchids and their Culture — The American Orchid Society
- International Orchid Register — The Royal Horticultural Society
- International Phalaenopsis Alliance
- Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia
- Orchid Digest
- Slipperiana (formerly Phrag Web)
- World Checklist of Selected Plant Families — Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
In fulfillment of its mission, this Society shall … procure and disseminate among its members information as to the methods of orchid culture, conservation, hybridization, and propagation.
OOS Constitution
Banner Image Fun Fact
V. Pachara Delight ‘Isabella’ AM/AOS
The genus name Vanda (VAN-dah), abbreviated V., is derived from the Sanskrit (वन्दाका) name for the species Vanda roxburghii, a synonym of Vanda tessellata, from which many Vanda hybrids inherit beautiful tesselation in their sepals and petals, as exhibited in the banner image. The cultivar in this banner image was awarded an Award of Merit by the AOS with a score of 81 points.
Some of the text about this image is from Wikipedia, and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.