• Green Growers: Keith Warren introduced Dr Dotty Woodson of D and B Orchids in Forth Worth as our presenter. She has B.S. and M.S. degrees in horticulture from Tarleton State University and a Doctoral degree from Texas A&M University and Texas Tech University. Dr. Woodson specializes in landscape water conservation, rainwater harvesting and irrigation efficiency.

Her presentation was “Don’t Throw Away that Orchid”

Gabriel Guerrero-Savage recorded the presentation and it will be available on YouTube.


The meeting was called to order by Pres. Jana Butcher. There were 20 members present.

Minutes from the July meeting, as well as the Treasurer’s report were discussed with no changes. Motions were made to accept, the motions were seconded, and both reports were accepted by voice vote.

  • OLD BUSINESS: The Parks Department approved the contract and it now goes to the City Council for final approval.

Johnita is still taking orders for long-sleeve shirts embroidered with the OOS logo at $23 each, prepaid.

Suggestions for the 2018 show theme were voted on. The Theme will be “Discovering Orchids”.

  • NEW BUSINESS: A get well card was passed around for Valerie Jennings – all offered best wishes and quick recovery.

Officer Nominations Committee will be Lowell McCabe and Howard Brown. They will present preliminary officer slate at the October meeting. Nominations for President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer are to mad to them. We will vote on the 2018 officers at the November meeting.

Shows scheduled for Kansas and Forth Worth (SWROGA) were discussed.

Howard Brown gave the Great Plains Judging Center report and the AOS report.

No Orchid Digest report.
No Conservation update.

OOS 2018 show will be May 11 – May 13, 2018. Volunteer sign up lists were passed around for anyone to sign up for various chores.

Jana reminded everyone that there will be a competition again this year for the show poster.
An email will be sent to all re: what needs to be contained in the poster. Email or regular mail entries to Jana. Show Poster will be voted on the November meeting.

The business meeting was adjourned.

Dr. Woodson gave a very interesting presentation on Lady’s Slipper Orchids and issues with growing these were discussed including light, water, temperature, etc. Dr. Woodson has a DVD available titled “Growing Orchids Made Easy” and a link can be found on their Facebook page D&B Orchids.

Raffle and Show and Tell ended the meeting.