Minutes September 18, 2016

President Jana opened the meeting and ask Keith to introduce our speaker for Green Growers. Keith introduced Ron Midgett from New Earth Orchids. His talk on Multi Floral Paphs was one of the most informative I have heard. I have a whole new thought about growing Multi Floral Paphs.


Approved as Printed

Treasurers Report


Old Business

Kansas Bus trip -We still need at least 3 signatures before the trip.

Nominating Committee

Keith, David and Bill are working on slate-We will vote at November business meeting

Show Poster

Please get your posters in. We only have one entry. We vote at November meeting

New Business

Will Rogers will close September 19th and re open around March 17th, There is still some confusion about where we will meet so watch your computer for emails.


We will probably meet in the Senior Center beginning in October. Our material has all been moved out of the building and Johnita says the kitchen was all packed up on Friday.

Jana thanked Johnita for hosting Ron.

Great Plains

No report

Show 2017

We will no longer have a sanctioned AOS show.


Howard showed the latest AOS Magazine

Orchid Digest

No report


Ron Midget did a very interesting program on Green Catts. Lots of pretty Slides. He had some very nice plants for sale. He seemed to enjoy his trip here and we went out to dinner after the meeting and then took him to the airport.

We had 5 people show their orchids to the group in the Show and Tell session.

We had a very good interesting group of plants for the drawing.

Meeting adjourned

All Content provided by Lowell McCabe