1. Green Growers presentation: Carolyn McCabe presented “Getting ready to exhibit at an orchid show”.
  2. Meeting called to order: Carolyn McCabe, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.
  3. Introduction of guests noted.
  4. Approval of minutes of previous meeting completed.
  5. Treasurer’s report: Allen Koch reported the total funds and assets as of August 31, 2021 was $23,079.82
  6. Old business: Johnita Turner and Bill Parker presented the 2022 slate of officers: Doug Needham, President; John Spencer, Vice President; Gerry Holland, Secretary; and Allen Koch, Treasurer. At the November meeting, members will vote on the officers; nominations will be accepted prior to voting at the meeting. The November business meeting will begin at 2:00pm November 21, 2021 at Gerry Holland’s home after the greenhouse tour, which will be from 1:00 to 2:00pm.
  7. New business: none
  8. Reports:
    1. Great Plains Judging Center: none
    2. AOS Representative: none
    3. SWROGA: none
    4. Orchid Digest: none
    5. OK Garden Counsel: none
    6. Show Chairperson: Doug Needham gave a show report and on needs of the show set up and help.
    7. Other Reports: A reminder of the Kansas orchid show in the end of November.
  9. Program: Carolyn McCabe reviewed rules of orchid displays, do’s and do nots of presentations, and need for balance, contrast, dominance, proportions, rhythm, color flow and scale for your orchid display.
  10. Members presented plants at the meetings “Show Table” and contributed plants to the meetings raffle and/or auction.
  11. Adjournment: 4:15
  12. Photos for directory done by Lowell McCabe