OOS members love to bring their beautiful orchids to the monthly meeting’s “show table” and share with others their cultural techniques for growing such specimens. OOS meetings provide the perfect opportunity to do that!

OOS Vice President, Carolyn McCabe, taught members about exhibit preparation. See our two sample exhibits below.

OOS member Carolyn shows her Oncidium Sharry Baby ‘Sweet Fragrance’ AM/AOS.
×Rhyncattleanthe Chance the Chance ‘Kiramaki’
OOS member Keith shows his Rhyncattleanthe orchid.
Cattleya White Spark ‘Panda’
Cattleya C.G. Roebling (1895) ‘Royal Purple’
OOS member Bill shows two of his Cattleya orchids.
Paphiopedilum Clair de Lune ‘Edgard van Belle’ AM/AOS
×GombrassitoniaAliceara) Hilo Ablaze ‘Hilo Gold’ HCC/AOS
OOS member Douglas shows Paphiopedilum Clair de Lune ‘Edgard Van Belle’ AM/AOS and ×Gombrassiltonia (Alicera) Hilo Ablaze ‘Hilo Gold’ HCC/AOS.
Rhynchostylis coelestis
OOS member Douglas shows his Rhynchostylis coelestis and the garment rod he uses for transporting hanging orchids.