OOS’s 75th Anniversary Show & Sale, Saturday & Sunday, May 3 & 4, 2025
See hundreds of orchids on show and for sale at Oklahoma Orchid Society’s Annual Show & Sale, the Society’s AOS-sanctioned event of the year. This two-day “Bench and Full Exhibit” show with “Orchids in Use” section will be held on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 & 4, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Will Rogers Gardens Exhibition Center, 3400 NW 36th Street, Oklahoma City, OK. Admission and parking are free, and the event is open to the public.

Orchid plants for ribbon judging must be registered on Friday, May 2, from 10:00 am–5:00 pm in the Gardens’ Exhibition Hall. Registration deadline is 5:00 pm. Ribbon judging at this show will begin at 8:00 am Saturday morning in the Gardens’ Exhibition Hall, immediately followed by AOS judging.
Vendors will have hundreds of beautiful orchids from around the world for sale, and OOS will have growing supplies for sale. Be sure to stop at the Welcome Booth to speak with OOS members about growing and re-blooming orchids, ask questions, purchase raffle tickets, engage your children in an orchid scavenger hunt, and learn how to become a member of the Society. Come, saturate your senses with orchids!
List of Vendors
- Ecuagenera Orchids is also offering pre-orders for specific plants through its website. April 18, 2025, is the deadline to order for delivery to the OOS Show & Sale.
- MAB’s Orchid Nursery, LLC
- Sandstone Orchids & Nursery, LLC
- Timbucktoo Orchids
Vendor and Exhibitor Registration Forms
Supporting Documents for the Show & Sale
- Itinerary (PDF)
- Show Schedule (PDF)
- SWROGA Orchid Registration Tags (Fillable PDF Form)
- SWROGA Dendrobium Classification Guide (PDF)
- SWROGA Oncidium Alliance Classification Guide (PDF)
- SWROGA Paphiopedilum Classification Guide (PDF)
SHOWTIME—Entering Your Orchid in a Show & Creating an Exhibit
In fulfillment of its mission, this Society shall … encourage all orchid activities of interest to the enthusiast, including the holding of orchid shows and sales.
OOS Constitution
SAVE THE DATE: 2026 OOS Show & Sale — Saturday & Sunday, May 2 & 3, 2026
Banner Image Fun Fact
The American Orchid Society’s judging system is comprised of 26 Centers comprising 34 sites throughout the United States and Canada. These Centers, including the Great Plains Judging Center, provide opportunities to have plants judged on specified monthly dates and at AOS-sanctioned shows, including the Oklahoma Orchid Society’s annual Show & Sale.